01How To Buy

how to buy

First Of All,
Sign in or Sign up.

02Buy The Car

  • STEP.1 Vehicle Deal Request

    Click Deal Request, You can request photos and Negotiate the price and Buy

    vehicle deal request vehicle deal request vehicle deal request
  • STEP.2 Shipping Deal Request

    Select Car & Click OrderShipping,
    Select Your Country & Port of Discharge Click Send

    OrderIn Progress
    You can accept the quotation you received. And Request Invoice.

    Go to Confirm Order & Payment You can check the invoice for payment.

    Tip : Request Quotation
    Shipping Deal Request Shipping Deal Request
  • STEP.3 Confirm Order & Payment

    Vehicles & Shipping First, Click Invoice Download

    Check Payment Date, prossed with Payment by Telegraphic Transfer and Click Payment Date Reg. register receipt.

    Confirm Oder & Payment Confirm Oder & Payment

03Order Tracking

We will let you know the shipping schedule for your purchase once your payment has been confirmed.

Order Tracking

04Enjoy Driving Your Car

Local agencies help delivery.




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차대번호 모델명 무역사 연락처

무역사 정보

무역사 담당자 연락처

상품 정보

차대번호 수출면허필증 말소증명서 수출검사여부



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  • 담당자 연락처


제 1조 (목적)
이 약관은 전기통신 사업법 및 동 법 시행령에 의하여 신세계중고차(이하 “회사” 라 합니다.)가 제공하는 인터넷 홈페이지 서비스 (이하 “서비스” 라 합니다.)의 이용조건 및 절차에 관한 사항, 회사와 이용자의 권리와 의무 및 책임사항을 규정함을 목적으로 합니다.

제 2조 (약관의 효력과 개정)
1. 이 약관은 전기통신사업법 제 31 조, 동 법 시행규칙 제 21조의 2에 따라 공시절차를 거친 후 홈페이지를 통하여 이를 공지하거나 전자우편 기타의 방법으로 이용자에게 통지함으로써 효력을 발생합니다.

2. 회사는 본 약관을 사전 고지 없이 개정할 수 있으며, 개정된 약관은 제9조에 정한 방법으로 공지합니다. 회원은 개정된 약관에 동의하지 아니하는 경우 본인의 회원등록을 취소(회원탈퇴)할 수 있으며, 계속 사용의 경우는 약관 개정에 대한 동의로 간주됩니다. 개정된 약관은 공지와 동시에 그 효력이 발생됩니다.

제 3조 (약관이외의 준칙)
이 약관에 명시되어 있지 않은 사항은 전기통신 기본법, 전기통신 사업법, 기타 관련법령의 규정에 따릅니다.

제 4조 (용어의 정의)
이 약관에서 사용하는 용어의 정의는 다음과 같습니다.

1. 회원 : 서비스에 개인정보를 제공하여 회원등록을 한 자로서, 서비스의 정보를 지속적으로 제공받으며, 이용할 수 있는 자를 말합니다.
2. 이용자 : 본 약관에 따라 회사가 제공하는 서비스를 받는 회원 및 비회원을 말합니다.
3. 아이디 (ID) : 회원 식별과 회원의 서비스 이용을 위하여 회원이 선정하고 회사가 승인하는 문자와 숫자의 조합을 말합니다.
4. 비밀번호 : 회원이 통신상의 자신의 비밀을 보호하기 위해 선정한 문자와 숫자의 조합을 말합니다.
5. 전자우편 (E-mail) : 인터넷을 통한 우편입니다.
6. 해지 : 회사 또는 회원이 서비스 이용 이후 그 이용계약을 종료 시키는 의사표시를 말합니다.
7. 홈페이지 : 회사가 이용자에게 서비스를 제공하기 위하여 컴퓨터 등 정보통신설비를 이용하여 이용자가 열람 및 이용할 수 있도록 설정한 가상의 서비스 공간을 말합니다.

제 5조 (서비스의 제공 및 변경)
1. 회사가 제공하는 서비스는 다음과 같습니다.

1) 회사에 대한 홍보 내용
2) 회사가 판매하는 제품 안내
3) 기타 회사가 제공하는 각종 정보
4) 고객 상담 서비스
5) 회원 이용 서비스

2. 회사는 필요한 경우 서비스의 내용을 추가 또는 변경하여 제공할 수 있습니다.

이메일(ID) 찾기

이메일(ID) 찾기가 완료되었습니다.


임시 비밀번호 발송

회원님의 이메일로
임시번호가 발송되었습니다.

고객님의 차량이
정상적으로 등록되었습니다.

Hyundai The New Santa Fe 2.0 Limited 2019 20,000km 1,800 만원

경매시작일시 : 2020년 11월 21일 오전 10시

내 연락처 보내기

판매자에게 공개할 연락처를

Request Invoice

We here by advise that commissions and inspection fee will be occurred for the above vehicle

Select Repair Parts

Parts Select

Please Check

Invoice Check

  • My page > Confirm Order & Payment

Please Payment

  • 1. Down payment : within 24 hours after invoice issuance
  • 2. Balance Payment : within 5 days after invoice issuance

Select Your Vehicles


정비 견적서가 선택되었습니다.

Please Select a Balance Payment Date

Down Payment Date Information

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    Our web server automatically collects limited information about your computer configuration when you visit our site such as your IP address. We use this information to give site users specific statistical information such as item exposure count or click count, and also to make our site as useful as we can for as many users as possible. * Your IP address is a numerical address that is used by computers connected to the Internet to identify your computer so that data (such as the web pages you want to view) can be transmitted to you. We also use IP address information for systems administration and troubleshooting purposes. Your IP address does not tell us who you are.
    When Prowingcar.com present information to our advertisers to help them understand our visitors, and to confirm the value of advertising on our website, it is usually in the form of aggregated statistics on traffic to various pages within our site. Prowingcar.com may collect, or have a third party collect on our behalf, aggregated statistical information about how visitors use and navigate around our site, such as the number of users who visit various pages within the site, what they click on, how many times inventory lists are exposed to the users, filling out 'Send Request This Seller' forms, etc. This aggregated information does not identify you personally. Prowingcar.com uses this information to improve our site. Prowingcar.com may also disclose this aggregated information to third parties to make more user-friendly website.
    To make our website more valuable to our visitors, Prowingcar.com features some products and services that come from other providers. Prowingcar.com may include links to other websites, and provide access to products and services offered by third parties, whose privacy policies we don't control. When you access another website or purchase products or services or conduct other transactions through our website, use of any information you provide is governed by the privacy policy of the operator of the site you're visiting or the provider of such products or services. When you provide information in the course of obtaining products or services through our site, use of any information you provide may be governed by the privacy policy of the provider of those products or services. The provider's privacy policy may differ from ours.
    Prowingcar.com may occasionally release information about our visitors when release is appropriate to comply with law, to enforce our Terms of Use, or to protect the rights, property or safety of visitors to our site, our customers, the public or Prowingcar.com. As our business grows, we may buy or sell various assets. Furthermore, information on our visitors would be the transferred assets. If you choose to unsubscribe in response to an email message that we send on behalf of an advertiser, we will share your email address and opt-out instructions with the advertiser to ensure that your email privacy preferences are honored. Similarly, if we ask a third-party company to send its customers email offers on our behalf, we will share with that company (or its agent) a list of email addresses collected from website visitors who have opted out of our email program to ensure that their privacy preferences are honored. We may allow others to search some of our databases (our listings database, for example) and to analyze the data they find there or aggregate it with other data, either for their business purposes, or ours. Though some of the information in our databases may be personally identifying (such as the contact information included in an item listing), we'll only allow searches of the portions of our database that contain information that is otherwise publicly available on our website. When we use other companies to help us operate our site or improve the services we offer to you, we may provide them with information about our visitors that is necessary for them to perform their services. Prowingcar.com requires that these companies commit to use the information only to perform the services that we request.
    Information we gather on our website is stored within Prowingcar.com-controlled databases (or databases hosted on our behalf) on servers maintained in protected environments. Also, our servers are located in Seoul, South Korea. Prowingcar.com treats every data as an asset that must be protected and use lots of tools(encryption, passwords, physical security, etc.) to protect users' personal information against unauthorized access and disclosure. However, no physical or electronic security system is impenetrable. We cannot guarantee the security of our servers or databases, nor can we guarantee that information you supply won't be intercepted while being transmitted to us over the Internet. And, of course, any information you include in an item listing is available to anyone with Internet access. Therefore, although we work very hard to protect our users' privacy, we do not promise, and you should not expect, that your personal information or private communications will always remain private.
    Children should always get permission from their parents before sending any information about themselves (such as their names, email addresses, and phone numbers) over the Internet, to us or to anyone else. Our website is not directed at children, and we won't allow them to provide us any personal information on purpose.
    The website is an evolving medium. If we need to change our privacy policy at some point in the future, we'll post the changes to this Privacy Statement on this website and update the reference to the effective date to reflect the date of the amendment. By visiting Prowingcar.com, you agree that your visit, and any dispute over privacy, is governed by this Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use.
    If you have any questions regarding your privacy, security, opt-out of email subscription or understanding how your personal information is being used, please contact us by email. Also you can email us whenever you have something to ask or suggest on Prowingcar.com.